$347.00 USD

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Nervous System Reset Part 2 | DISCOVERING STATE

Ready to educate yourself on everything related to Fight, Flight, Freeze, and Fawn? 

Explore, IN DEPTH, for 4 weeks on how these states affect your everyday reality.  Learn how to work with each one in order to shift into more consistent regulation and lead you life with empowered ease.

What you'll get:

  • 4 two-hour content rich calls with live deepening practices
  • One class on each state: Fight/flight, Freeze, Fawn.
  • 2 Q&A sessions to deepen your skill set
  • Private support group in Telegram
  • A community of women who are committed to learning and growing in a NEW paradigm of leadership

**Program is set to begin in late winter of 2024. Course begins on March 20th.

What People Are Saying:

This course has been a very good, informative way of learning about how our nervous works and how the (safety) cues we pick up throughout life impact us now. Kari is a wonderful teacher, so caring and loving. The way Kari explains is very clear, easy to understand and it was helpful when she gave examples and explanations from her own life. Hearing it in practice is very useful to recognizing what has been happening in my own life. You can see Kari’s joy and excitement, her passion for teaching & sharing her knowledge with us about the nervous system. Im truly thankful for Kari coming into my life and look forward to working with her in the future.
